50 SAP CRM Interview Questions for Freshers and Experienced Consultants, SAP CRM 50 real time interview questions for novice and experienced consultants.
Welcome to SAP ABAP Interview Questions, here www.sapabapiq.com presenting list of real time 50 SAP CRM interview questions. These questions were asked in various interview conducted by the top MNC companies across the globe, be prepare well and crack the SAP CRM job interview. Lets have a look at 50 SAP CRM Real Time Interview Questions.
SAP CRM Interview Questions for Freshers and Experienced
SAP CRM solution support key functional areas including modules:
SAP CRM Marketing
SAP CRM Service
SAP CRM Analytics
SAP CRM Interaction Center
SAP CRM Web Channel
(which includes E-Commerce, E-Marketing and E-Service)
SAP CRM Partner Channel Management
SAP CRM WebClient UI
SAP CRM Investigative Case Management (ICM)
SAP CRM Social Service
SAP CRM Loyalty Management (LM)
SAP CRM Real Time Offer Management (RTOM)
SAP CRM Mobile Solutions
SAP CRM Trade Promotion Management (TPM)
SAP CRM 50 Interview Questions
1) What is partner function? How will you do determination? Why we use?
2) What are the sources for partner functions?
3) What is the procedure to do text determination? Tell the process?
4) How many methods/profiles in Org determination? Can you do org det at item level?
5) What as Action? Why we use? What are the conditions we have? What type of actions you have used, for which scenario explain?
6) Tell me some transaction types? How many Levels are there in transactions?
7) What is activity? Types, customizing settings? How will you change the reasons according to the status?
8) Campaign mgt wt you know? Wt are the settings will you do?
9) How will you execute campaign? Where you have used campaign explain?
10) Where will you enter responsible partners in web UI? Wt settings will you do?
11) Can you run campaign without products? What are all necessary to run campaign? What settings will you do to send mail from your system?
12) How will you create Activity when you trigger e-mail campaign?
13) Where all you can create target groups?
14) What you know about Product proposal, why we use it? Where we use it?
15) What is the customizing for top n products?
16) How will you determine ranking values?
17) What are mail forms? How will you do in WEB UI?
18) Tell me what you know about Web UI customizing? How can we edit labels?
19) How can you create your business Role?
20) What is call list, do you have any idea?
21) What are the Business Roles available/you know?
22) What you know about IC?
23) What is Lead? What you know about it.
24) What are the customizing settings for lead?
25) What are the customizing settings for Campaign?
26) How to make a campaign template/Marketing Plan Template?
27) How can you customize assignment block?
28) Can you delete an Assignment Block of a campaign? What are the customization steps?
29) What is ASAP methodology?
30) What is your system landscape?
31) What is a BP field grouping? Why is it used?
32) Which BP role would the BP’s created form ELM come under?
33) Difference b/w BP Role and Partner Function?
34) What are the setting required for Service Order?
35) What is your service life-cycle?
36) What is Blue Print Phase? What does the document consist of?
37) What are actions? Why did you use them in your project?
38) What is email processing?
39) What is workflow?
40) What is I-Base? What is I-Base category?
41) What is E-CAT?
42) What is LSMW?
43) What are adaptors?
44) What is BDocs?
45) What is application builder?
46) How did you customize IC for service project?
47) What Business Roles did you configure? Profiles used?
48) Which all profiles did you use?
49) How to activate/deactivate work centers?
50) What are Logical Links? Where do you adjust them?
51) What is Master Data? What is it used for?
52) What is territory master data?
The general and important SAP project related interview questions
1. What is your client business process ?
2. What is your system layout ?
The development server (where actually the consultants work),
The quality server(testing),
The production server(client server)
And most importantly in resume ,only mention the areas or the customization's you have worked with or you are aware i.e, only mention the things that you are absolutely sure of .Or it might turn into an unanswerable question.
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